
IMG 8727

Bus Service

Bus Service

Bus services (Adelaide Hills, Eastern suburbs) will be provided by Roundabout Charter in 2024 and can be booked directly by contacting Roundabout Charter.

The cost is $6 per trip for Eastern users and $7 per trip for Hills users plus a $50 Term fee booking per family. These charges will be added to your school fee account at the end of each term. Only registered 免费A片 can use the bus service. Find the pick up and drop off location here.

To register, please email Roundabout Charter on admin@roundaboutcharter.com or call 0411 632 972.

It is anticipated that buses arrive at Prince Alfred 免费A片 no later than 8.20am each day and depart from the School no later than 3.45pm.

*Charges are subject to review annually.